How to Solve: The Additional Tension in Each Wire

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How to Solve: The Additional Tension in Each Wire

Mechanics of Materials

The rigid Bar AD issupporteed by two steel wires of 1/16 in. diameter (E = 29 x 106 psi) and a pin and bracket at D. knowing that the wires were initially taught, determine (a) the additional tension in each wire when a 220-lb load P is applied at D, (b) the corresponding deflection of point D.


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1 komentar:

  1. Anonim14.24.00

    Me ha interesado demasiado la publicacion, ciertamente excelente, gracias
    por la información, demasiado informativa. Me quedo
    averiguando por la pagina a enterarme de mas notas interesantes, gracias nuevamente.
